Having the global impact, effect, influence and action in positively impacting ONE BILLION Lives


I am committed to being and living as the Courageous, Playful and Powerful Warrior God has created me to be. I live with purpose, on purpose and for God’s purpose! I am a self-starting warrior, who exercises initiative in accomplishing my life’s goals. I choose to embrace and use my God given talents and gifts bestowed upon me, to assist others. I choose to lead by example!


I Am A Courageous, Playful and Powerful Warrior.

I choose to build constant trustworthy win-win relationships with my family, friends, and business associates. I choose to be a change agent, communicator and inspiring catalyst in all that I do.  I choose to balance my career, family, and friends as best I am able to, since all are important to me. Above all, I place God first.

It is important for me to associate myself professionally and individually with others who share my core values and objectives. With the help of ‘like-minded’ associates, together we are all able to achieve our goals, dreams and aspirations.

I choose to positively influence the present and future developments that God has chosen for myself, family, associates and the organizations I am associated with.

I choose to lead by example. I choose action to assist others to learn, to grow beyond their current bounds, and for them to be the best they are. I choose to always be a TEAM player and to do whatever is best for the TEAM, while honoring myself.

My resources are tools to accomplish positive results and invoke positive results. I choose financial independence and to live and be debt free. I choose to spend less than I earn and regularly save or invest part of what I have. I give to causes I am passionate for.

I choose to start with the end in mind and have a personal direction to guide all of my activities. Beginning with the end in mind, I am choosing direction of my own life and providing meaning to the actions I choose every day.

I choose to create a life of self-fullness and to live with purpose, on purpose and for God’s purpose!


This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬

To always remember I control 3 things:

My Thoughts.

My Words

My Actions. 


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Two Step

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